New life for your engine with a Perkins overhaul

Overhaul kit
Overhaul kit

New life for your engine with a Perkins overhaul

If your faithful engine has served you for many years, but isn’t working as well as it used to, now may be the time to consider an engine overhaul.

An overhaul will extend your engine’s life for many more years and return performance to new, or nearly new, conditions – a much better return on investment than trading in for a new machine.

What does an overhaul involve?

Overhauls involve work on the core of your engine – the area which isn’t touched at standard servicing. It’s a complex procedure and can include installation of new piston rings, bearings and gaskets plus boring out of the cylinders. Crankshafts and cylinder heads can either be replaced or reconditioned.  

One overhaul can vary dramatically from another, depending on the areas where your engine performance is less than it was. 

What type of overhaul is best for my engine?

Overhauling an engine isn’t a simple task and there are many options to consider such as: 

  • How quickly do you need your engine back in operation? 

  • What is your budget? 

  • Do you have the skills to complete an overhaul or do you need to call in an expert?


Individual parts

Are you only replacing the worn individual parts? 

Individual parts offer complete flexibility to choose only what you need for a partial overhaul.

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Overhaul kits

Want to be sure you have everything you need?

There are a variety of kits covering full overhauls, top end, bottom end and single cylinder overhauls.

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Replacement engines

Do you need a quick turnaround? 

Replacement engines come in many options including a full drop-in solution which can be fitted in a few hours.

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Whichever route you plan to follow, we recommend you start with a call to your local Perkins distributor. They will explain your options so your engine can be safely and effectively overhauled, ready to serve you and your machine well into the future. 

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Supporting your engines is a truly global undertaking. Our main warehouse site locations in the UK, USA, Brazil and Singapore, were deliberately chosen to give as wide a reach across the world as possible.

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Genuine experience

Power exchange

Perkins Power Exchange gives our customers another engine repair and overhaul option.

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