Here to help you

The secure area of is for Perkins Distributors/Dealers & OEM customers. To obtain access, your Perkins account manager (or CWS administrator within your organisation with access) must complete the request on your behalf by completing the form within the secure site. Please click here for more information (CWS access required).

Below is a list of common login support questions to assist you with understanding the error messages that you may encounter on

PLEASE NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.


Please make sure that you have entered a password into the password box provided on the Login screen.


Please make sure that you have entered a Username into the Username box provided on the Login screen.


There is an option below the section called Self-Help on the Login screen named 'Forgotten Password'. You can use this option to perform a password reset for your username. To do this you must be able to remember your 'Challenge Response' information.

If you cannot remember this information please click here to request assistance.

NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.

To perform a password reset follow these steps:

  • Enter your username into the Username box
  • Click into the circle next to the Forgotten Password option
  • Click Submit
  • You will now be presented with a screen titled 'Forgotten Password - Step 1 of 4'
  • Enter your response to the Challenge Question that is displayed
  • Click Continue - if there is no question displayed please click here to request assistance.
  • You will now be presented with a screen titled 'Forgotten Password - Step 2 of 4' At this point you can either have a password emailed to you by clicking on 'Email Temp Password'. This password will be emailed to the address we have on the system. Or, you can continue through Steps 2, 3 and 4 to set your own password.


Perkins secure content is only available to direct OEM's, Distributors, Dealers and employees. If you believe you should have access to this site please click here to request assistance.


The system automatically disables usernames when they have not been used for 90 days. Click here to request assistance in getting your username re-enabled.

NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.


Your account has now been locked as a security precaution. Click here to request assistance, as you need to obtain a new password to unlock your account.

NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.


Please remember that challenge responses are case sensitive. If you cannot remember your challenge response please click here to request assistance regarding challenge information.

If the Challenge Question is blank please click here to request assistance.

NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.


Please remember your challenge response is case sensitive. Please make sure that you have entered a response into the 'Your Response' box provided. If you cannot remember your challenge response or if the Challenge Question is blank please click here to request assistance.

NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.


To be able to perform a password reset, you must have challenge questions set. You are receiving this message, because none are recorded for your username. Please click here to request assistance.

NOTE: Second Level Dealers must contact their Distributor CWS Administrator for support and assistance with CWS IDs.

Once you have set a password, you must return to the Login screen and do the following:

  • Enter your username into the Username box
  • Enter your password into the Password box
  • Click into the circle next to the Change Challenge Information option
  • Click Submit
  • You will now be presented with a screen titled 'Change Challenge Information'
  • Please set three Challenge Questions and Responses using the question options provided.
  • Click Continue.


If you receive any error message while trying to set a new password you have not followed the Rules to Setting your password displayed on the Change Password screen.

Please try again using these rules as a guide to what is an unacceptable password.


You have tried to submit a blank Challenge Response. Please return to the Challenge Response screen and ensure that you enter your response into the box provided.