Sustainability is a part of who we are

Perkins is committed to sustainable manufacturing



Perkins is committed to sustainable manufacturing. We promote continual improvement and are focused in driving reductions in three key areas; waste, water and energy. Sustainability is key to a successful business and is at the forefront of our minds in relation to products as well as in our global facilities.

Sustainability is a core value for our business. At each one of our facilities, we’re focused on:

  • Driving out wastage
  • Operating an efficient and cost-effective system that uses as minimal energy as possible
  • Minimising emissions
  • Recycling/reusing waste products where possible in line with the waste hierarchy
Robotic and computerised production lines
Robotic and computerised production lines


Our manufacturing processes are designed with sustainability and efficiency in mind. Robotic and computerised production lines cut costs and energy usage by ensuring that power is only consumed when it is needed.

Robotic and computerised production lines
Automation of heating, lighting, compressed air and cooling systems

Heating, lighting, compressed air and cooling systems are similarly monitored, with automated controls to switch the systems off when not required.

Automatic heating, lighting and cooling systems
All substances re-used and recycled


All emissions, whether gases, liquids, or solid/metal wastes, are monitored, treated where necessary, and sent for reuse/recycling wherever possible.


“Sustainability is key to a successful business. Understanding our environmental impacts to control and manage the risk, as well as drive continual improvement opportunities is embedded within our facilities. We have a responsibility to reduce our environmental impact and this is implemented in all areas of the business across multiple facilities. We are committed to Think Global, Act Local”

Carl Hodge, environmental manager at Perkins Peterborough facility

At every facility

Energy saving and sustainability are a part of our day to day operations not just in the manufacturing processes, but throughout our facilities. Energy consumption throughout each facility is tightly monitored and controlled, and waste products from all operations and supporting areas are either reused or recycled.

Ongoing engagement of employees and communication is key. Our employees want to actively play their part and know that following onsite processes and procedures will help us achieve our targets and minimise our environmental impact.

At every facility
At every facility

Our commitment

Sustainable manufacturing is efficient manufacturing – efficiency is good for profitability.

Energy makes up a large part of any manufacturer’s cost base. Monitoring and measuring energy mean we can help to keep its use to a minimum, as well as drive down overheads and reduce our carbon footprint.

Our commitment
Our commitment

Our ISO Standard

Our Peterborough, UK facility is certified to the ISO14001 and ISO50001 Standards. This means robust environmental and energy management systems are implemented and all aspects on environmental and energy control follow the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle to minimise impact and improve where possible. All our sites throughout the world work with similar controls.

It’s important for us to know that we’re performing as well, as efficiently and as sustainably as possible. It’s an important requirement for our customers to know that too.

Sustainability is a part of who we are.

Our ISO Standard
Our ISO Standard